After 20 years of professional photography in Chicago, shooting child portraits, headshots, weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs and other life events, I decided to do something creatively different.

Whereas I have taken many hundreds of high school senior portraits, I choose now to re-define "senior" photography to refer to the elderly.

I suppose reaching my own "senior citizen" status had something to do with it, as did my re-location to south Florida. With a particular creative vision in mind, it took me two years to plan the new business. When I was just about ready, COVID-19 struck with a vengeance. Although it further delayed my launch by another two years, I believe it made us more acutely aware of the need to value our elderly.

Many corporations honor a founder or retiring CEO by commissioning a portrait as a gift or to adorn a boardroom, as do many organizations honoring a major supporter. In the same way, I believe that we should honor our parents and grandparents with a big, beautiful portrait in our homes for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren to enjoy.

I expect that I will get great satisfaction from this work, perhaps the most I have gotten in my career. I know that my clients will cherish these portraits, as will many generations to come.